Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Third Trimester

I am now on the latter part of my third trimester and I can say that this is the most challenging stage of all. I feel so huge and uncomfy. All those times I tried to reflect a fit and sexy preggo are all down the drain. It's like blocking all those judgemental stares in exchange of a big fat burger, because what the hell, I'm already huge! People who knows me may think I'm overreacting and say other pregnant ladies are bigger but if they really know me, they'll know that I used to be a hundred-pounder and now I'm already 142 lbs. Healthy pregnancy weight gain is just 25-35 lbs, so yeah, do the math. Anyway, rant over.

Still, I can't be thankful enough of this big blessing squirming inside me. Anytime soon, we'll be meeting him. I started doing my morning exercise few days ago. My doctor advised a 2-hr walk routine to help the baby go into position and to boost my endurance too. Imagine having a meager amount of energy and walk for 2 long hours. While at it, imagine carrying an extra 42 lbs of weight while having all sorts of discomfort in the abdomen, back and leg areas. Mix it up with lack of sleep because of you can no longer find a comfortable sleeping position every night. It may sound like I'm complaining but I'm not. It's the opposite even. This is the strongest and the most empowered I've ever felt in my life. I've literally climbed mountains in the past but the strength I have to have each of these morning walks made those mountains negligible. Every time I struggle to take one more step in each lap, I just think of my little boy and then everything's easy again. Ahhh, the life of a mother! 

Me at 36 weeks :)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Name Game

Naming a baby is a lot tougher than I thought it would be. It's not like naming a barbie or a puppy where you can just blurt out any random cute name and it would instantly stick. Since early this year, we have kept a small list of names, hoping one would stand out. Still not knowing the baby's gender, we had two sets of names; for a girl and for a boy. I made some categories to help us ponder; we can name them after a celebrity, an old family/relative, a place or Biblical, mythical or cultural names. None of the names under those categories lingered. 

The day we announced to our families that we're having a baby boy, my mother instantly had a lightbulb moment. Why not name it after Pope Francis? The pope was currently in the Philippines during that day. We all know how he inspired millions of people through his humility, charisma and warmheartedness. It was a beautiful idea. 

During the time that me and my husband were still dating, we fantasized of having our future baby. He said we'll name it Louise or Louis. He just likes that name. I agreed. I like classic names anyway. It'll also be after my favorite book character (next to Lestat), from my all time favorite novel, Interview with the Vampire.

After agreeing on the name Francis, he instantly attached the name Louis and it sounded so right. Francis Louis. It's simple, elegant and classic. But of course we'll still twist it into something cute and local nickname in the future. Hmmmm... Kiko would be a cute monicker ;)

Gender Surprise!

In my last blog entry, which was a week before the most awaited gender determination, I wished for a baby girl. Who could blame me? Every people I encounter, every friend and family member somehow assumed it was a girl. They said I looked, ahem... glowing. I fancied it to be true, of course. Besides, I don't have stretch marks, dark patches on skin and even dark neck and underarms, all tell-tale signs of having a boy. 

Aside from that, I don't have the slightest clue of how to raise a boy. I imagined them to be dirty, loud and rowdy. They'll date girls, they'll do dangerous stunts, hell, they'll even watch porn! While girls like princesses and unicorns, boys delight on frogs and trucks. What do I know about all that? So please understand that it's easier for me to believe and expect that I'll be having a girl. So foolishly, I convinced myself that I have that much control over my baby's gender. I've never been so wrong.

Those are his balls on the first frame apparently.
The moment the sonographer placed the apparatus on my belly, she blurted out the baby's gender. It's a boy! It caught me off-guard. I honestly did not expect that, how stupid can I be to forget about the simplest probability ever? It's still a one is to one chance of having either a boy or girl, regardless what I like and regardless what people predicts.

I spent the next few days reprogramming my mind to think about not having to buy tutu dresses and other girly stuff. I read articles to enlighten myself of the joys of having a baby boy. It's not that I'm disappointed... I'm just mere clueless. And now, weeks have past and I have made peace with the fact that I will indeed be raising a cute little boy. I'm still clueless but with the help of my husband, I believe we can raise a good one. And I am, presently, extremely happy to have a healthy baby inside me. He's been kicking me the whole time I'm writing this. Baby, if at some point of your life you'll be reading this, please don't be a grammar Nazi. I love you!

Monday, January 12, 2015

My Second Trimester and Some Other Morsels of Stories

I am now on my 24th week of pregnancy and still within the second trimester. This is my favorite stage so far since everything seems easy now. Let's have a little pregnancy symptoms check:
  • My cravings are over, nausea's gone and sleepiness is also much more manageable now. 
  • I have regained my agility too since my tummy has already shifted upwards, I can now bend more freely. 
  • My emotions are more in check too, hormonal dramas are lesser now. 
  • I had pimples all over my face, chest and back during my first trimester and those are lesser now too, thank goodness! 
  • I now have that "pregnancy glow" which makes almost all people assume I'm having a baby girl (I hope they're right).
  • I don't have stretchmarks yet (fingers crossed they won't ever come).
  • I don't have black patches and dark underarms yet.
  • I don't have swollen nose, hands and feet yet. 
  • I think I am gaining more weight than the necessary, blame the holidays!
  • I have some signs of "pregnancy brain" or momnesia. This weird forgetfulness is said to be due to surging hormones which affects the neurons. Pregnancy also shuffles what gets your attention. IQ doesn't change but priorities do. 
*Other side story, I was able to have a beach get-away early December. Due to my low-lying placenta, I had to take some meds for my baby's safety. Nevertheless, it was a fun escapade with my family. It's our second time in Boracay but this one's very special because we now had 4 additions in our family - my sister-in-law, my nephew, my incoming baby and my incoming niece/nephew.

Boracay never ceases to be beautiful.

Baby Bump at 18 weeks
*Days before Christmas, my husband was diagnosed with, guess what - German Measles. It's one of the most dreaded illness one can have around pregnant people. It sucked for we had to celebrate Christmas apart. He spent 6 days quarantined in his office barracks. Right after he got his clearance to go home, he decided to have a whole week of vacation just in time for the New Year and our annual family reunion. 
Baby Bump at 23 weeks. 
*Me and my husband celebrated our third year anniversary. Instead of planning some out-of-town getaway, we decided to celebrate it differently this time. Last year, I was able to try out archery with my college friends. It was fun but my weakling body can't stand it. My ever-curious husband wanted to try it too so I thought of treating him a session. He is a natural! His stance is good and he aims good. After that, we just had a hearty dinner with hearty conversations - life's simple pleasures. 
Pigging out: French onion soup, Mexican burger, Beef fajitas and a Brownie.
*Last week, I was able to attend a wedding as a matron of honor. It was my bff's wedding so leaving me out of the picture is never an option despite of my bulky figure. I was just quite concerned of wearing a flowy gown with high heels for I'm a true-blue klutz and falling or tripping over is a big disaster for my baby. Thankfully, everything went smoothly. It was a beautiful wedding and it's nice to be dolled-up every once in a while.

It was a lovely wedding!
*In few days, we will be learning our baby's gender! We want a healthy and complete baby above all, but I'm sure it's not wrong to hope for a particular gender too, right? We are hoping for a baby girl. It may sound shallow but I think they're sweeter and cuter. But baby boy wouldn't disappoint me either, of course. 

Those are the stories about me and my little family! I'm nearing the third trimester now and so excited to tackle this yet another new phase. Bring it on!